> Perhaps a slightly tricky question this Posted by Jim Druckenmiller - 19 Jan 06:47PM (edited 20 Jan 04:30PM) 5.x: Copyright limitations on use of sibelius music font symbols with in text in a standard word document for printing purposes Thanks very much for any help you can give me on this I wish to double check that this is legal to do in material that is distributed to students on our courses.

For example, an academic author might be writing a paragraph of text about Beethoven and may wish to insert a crotchet symbol within that paragraph of text from one of the sibelius fonts.

While I understand that it is legal for Teachers to produce worksheets for students in the classroom for educational purposes - are there any copyright implications for academics who wish to insert musical symbols from a font supplied with Sibelius into a print document such as within text paragraphs of a block of material on an academic course - providing they are using a properly licenced educational verison of Sibelius.